Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It is October, Already!!

Anita has Fall Break next week, and I think she is ready!! She is doing GREAT in school, but I think she is ready for a few day's of rest. Although Reagan, has school next Tuesday, but is off the following Tuesday(16th), which is really silly, they should try and correspond their times off, But that will give Anita and I and day to spend together "with no Reagan" as she says it. So we will have to come up with something special to do that day. We are going to Alabama that weekend as well, to see Bryan's brother Steve, we are all really excited, since he is now only about 3 hours away. The girls are counting down the days to go to the beach, Bryan says I have brain washed them, because that is all we heard Saturday, Anita, said " I can just smell it" Which we laughed, because she has never been to the beach to know what it smells like. Reagan is gathering up all her toys, and keeps repeating "I want to take this to the beach mommy." We have a very busy month, Anita has her first field trip to the Pumpkin patch on the 26th, and Reagan's school, will take them out to the field at the church to get their pumpkins on the 30th. I have a Mom's night out bonfire on the 11th, that I am really excited about. Our MOPS group is trying to have an outing once a month, "just for moms" so that we can fellowship with other moms, and have some adult conversations. Now all I need is a date with my husband, and my month will be complete!!! Until tomorrow (maybe, hopefully I can get to the computer) I hope everyone has a blessed day.

The Lord bless you, and keep you, The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. Numbers6:24-25

1 comment:

Susan said...

When are you guys going to the beach? What a great time of year to go!