Thursday, October 4, 2007


Everyone in this house, is excited the weekend, Bryan has to work the fire hall Saturday, but will not have to go back there until the 15th, but he will be at the hotel Mon-Wed. This has just really been a long week, I have been exhausted, and so have the girls. Maybe we can get caught up on some much needed rest this coming week. We have soccer practice tonight, if it doesn't rain, and a game on Saturday, but there is rain in the forecast for then as well. We are going to a close friends Birthday party Sunday, her daughter is turning 4, and she is turning her back yard into a carnival for the kids, so that will be Fun!! Anita just brought home, yet another fundraiser today, I was told this is the last one this year. They are looking for sponsors to do a "walk in the woods" so if anyone is interested in making a donation, let me know. You know they tell these kids, that if they participate, they can get all these prizes, which they get really excited about, but they do not tell them, there is a limited number, and that only the top 10 kids in the school will receive these prizes. So when I told Anita we probably wouldn't ask anyone, she got upset with me, because she wouldn't be getting any of the prizes. so I can either feel like I am begging our friends and family and get a few donations, or not participate, and be a mean mom. Oh well life goes on, she will realize that one day. Oh what fun peer pressure is!!!!


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Ugh, don't we know about the fundraisers. We have already bought books from scholastic, sold citipass books and now have to raise money for another event. Crazy!

Susan said...

Oh Lisa! I hate that too. And you're right, they get the kids all riled (I don't know that I spelled that correctly) about prizes and "mega parties" that they can only get or only attend if they sell a certain amount.
Hope you had a restful weekend!